1. Perpetrate (verb):- to commit a crime (पाप करना)
e.g. वह एक डकैती की योजना बना रहा था।
- He was planning to perpetrate a robbery.
Syno- Commit, Perform, Execute, Accomplish, to Carry out
Anto- Prevent, leave, Stop, Abstain, Fail
2. Adversary (noun):- opponent in a contest (विरोधी)
e.g. उन्होंने उसे कंपनी के भीतर अपने मुख्य प्रतिद्वंद्वी के रूप में देखा।
- He saw her as his main adversary within the company.
Syno- Rival, Opponent, Enemy, Foe, Nemesis, Combatant, Antagonist
Anto- Ally, Supporter, Friend
3. Expose (verb):- to make visible by uncovering it (बेनकाब)
e.g. जूही ने अपनी गर्दन दिखाने के लिए अपना सिर घुमाया।
- Juhi turned her head to expose her neck.
Syno- Reveal, Show, Uncover, Display, Exhibit, Manifest, Flaunt, Unveil, Unmask
Anto- Bury, Hide, Protect, Veil, Suppress
4. Miniscule (Adj):- extremely small or tiny (सूक्ष्म)
e.g. सभी ने उसे खाने के लिए टोस्ट के दो छोटे टुकड़े दिए।
- Everybody gave him to eat was two miniscule pieces of toast.
Syno- Small, Meagre, Dwarf, Minute, Microscopic, Pocket-size, subtle
Anto- Gigantic, Vast, Huge
5. Barbarous (Adj):- extremely brutal (बेहद क्रूर)
e.g. वे इस तरह के बेहद क्रूर व्यवहार को कैसे क्षमा कर सकते हैं?
- How can they forgive such barbarous behavior?
Syno- Crude, Cruel, Barbaric, uncivilized, Bloodthirsty, Keen, savage, Brutal, Unsophisticated
Anto- Civilized, Benevolent, Elegant, polite, Refined, Tender,
6. Pejorative (Adj):- used about a word, comment, etc. to express disapproval or criticism (अपमानजनक, अस्वीकृति, निन्दा प्रकट करनेवाला)
e.g. यह सुनिश्चित करें कि छात्रों को पता चले 'मोटू' एक अपमानजनक शब्द है।
- Make sure that students know 'fat' is a pejorative word.
Syno- Derogatory, Deprecatory, Disapproving, Insulting, Abusive, Disparaging
Anto- Complimentary, Right, Discussion
7. Decimate (verb):- to reduce drastically especially in the number or to cause great destruction or harm to
e.g. खरगोश की आबादी बीमारी से कम हो गई थी।
- The rabbit population was decimated by the disease.
Syno- Destroy, Eradicate, Devastate, Ruin, Execute, Abate,
Anto- Preserve, Resurrect, Reanimate, Reactivate
8. Adjure (verb):- urge or request (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something (शपथ लेकर कहना)
* urge- आग्रह करता हूं
* solemnly- सत्यनिष्ठा
* earnestly- आग्रहपूर्वक
e.g. मैं तुम्हें शपथ लेकर सच बताने के लिए कहता हूं।
- I adjure to tell you the truth.
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